Friday, May 29, 2009

Tyler's Preschool Graduation

Today was a bittersweet day. Our "baby" graduated from preschool and in a few short months will be entering the "real world" of big-kid school: Kindergarten. While we're excited about Tyler starting school, we're also sad because we're nearing the end of an almost 5-year-long chapter that has been filled with more good times and fun than we thought possible.

Things that we'll miss: being able to drop off/pick up the boys together (one of the benefits of carpooling); hearing Connor's excited chatter all the way down the steps from his room as we make our way to Tyler's room (he LOVES going to pick up Tyler everyday). The car rides home will be quite different without Tyler's constant questions and comments about things, which we love listening to (most of the time!). As one of the moms who has attended nearly every holiday/birthday party for the past 5 years, as well as most of Tyler's class field trips the past two summers, I've had the chance to really get to know a few of the other moms, as well as all of Tyler's classmates, most of whom have been on this 5-year journey with him. This year has, by far, been the most fun. One of my favorite parts about being involved with Tyler's class is the feeling that I get when I walk into his room and find myself immediately surrounded by his classmates, some wanting hugs, and ALL of them chattering excitedly about anything and everything.

Things that Tyler will miss: sharing miss Jen's (the assistant director) breakfast with her, secretly getting to choose a piece of candy from the director's jar at drop-off time, and helping Jen unload food and supplies from the delivery truck once a week--this is Tyler's fave chore. Being the first to arrive at daycare does have its benefits, I guess. :) I know that what he'll miss most of all is being with his three best buddies: John, Lucas, and Landon. They've been inseparable since they all moved into the Elephant Room (4 year-olds) together. The moms and I are trying to plan times to get together so that the boys don't lose touch; it won't be as often as we'd like, but we'll do our best to keep those friendships going for as long as we can. Tyler will definitely miss the fun that he's had with his other classmates as well. He's the only child in his class who lives in Illinois, so he'll be "starting from scratch," so to speak, in the school friends department. I'm confident that he'll make fast buddies in school--he's very sociable, outgoing, and fun, so building new friendships shouldn't be a challenge for him. :)

Despite an issue here and there (who doesn't have them?), we've been VERY happy with the care that Tyler has received at MBCC. The teachers there are truly wonderful people and treat our children like their own. They've guided Tyler, with love and patience, through every developmental stage since the age of 9 months and have also been a great resource for us as parents, especially with some of the major milestones (like potty training!). And the great thing is that Connor has had and will continue to have all of the same teachers that Tyler has had (most of them have been there 10+ years). That is a HUGE benefit, not to mention a rarity--I don't know of any childcare centers that have as low of an employee turnover rate as MBCC. And in a setting where continuity of care and a set, predictable routine are vital, it's certainly a comfort to know that our kids are seeing the same faces in the classrooms and hallways every single day.

The weather for Graduation was perfect and we all had a great time celebrating this important milestone in our children's lives. We also enjoyed getting to know some of the parents that we've never met and catching up with some that we only occasionally get to see/talk to. After the cute--and BRIEF--ceremony, the kids played on the park playground while hamburgers and hotdogs were being grilled in the pavilion by the assistant director (the food was great, Jen!). It was a fun evening for everyone, especially the kids, and we're so grateful to MBCC for planning this and allowing all of us to celebrate this huge milestone together. In my opinion, every preschool should participate in this tradition!

Such a big girl!
Cool banner, yummy cupcakes, and "gifts" that each child gave to his/her parent at the ceremony.
Miss Ava had fun hanging out at the park with Mommy and Mama Jeanie.
Dave loves to give Jen (assistant director AND master griller) a hard time about practically everything. She dishes it out as well as she takes it. :)
The Zebra class walking out to greet the parents; Tyler accepting his "diploma" from Mrs. Niki; and one very excited 5-year-old.
The Missouri Baptist Childcare Class of 2009!
Proud parents and grandparents with the graduate.
Getting a family photo with Connor NOT picking his nose was futile.
These four have been inseparable for the past 18 months.
L-R: Lucas, Tyler, Landon, & John

The boys with their wonderful teachers! Tyler was proud of the apple that we picked up and had his entire class autograph for Mrs. Niki.

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