Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Party

Today was the boys' Spring Party at school. It's always a lot of fun and I'm so lucky to be able to go every year (Dave usually joins me, but wasn't able to make it this time). The Easter Bunny visited both boys' classes and all of the kids enjoyed hunting for eggs (here we go again!). ;) Connor wasn't crazy about the idea of sitting on the bunny's lap, but was okay with standing next to him--as long as I held him, of course. And he thoroughly enjoyed the Easter egg hunt. The teachers hid the eggs in a grassy area next to the building, then turned the kids loose with their homemade Easter bags. I walked around with Connor, and as soon as he'd spot an egg, he would break out into a run (watching a toddler try to run on uneven ground is hilarious) and giggle non-stop, saying, "Egg! Egg!" until he reached the spot where the egg was hidden. Then he'd pick it up, proudly put it in his bag, and was off to find more. I wish that I'd had the video camera with me because his reaction was exactly the same every time he saw an egg in the grass. Such a cute thing to hear and watch! :) It was definitely a fun morning; I realized tonight that this is the last holiday party for Tyler's class. In a few months, he and his friends will all be going their separate ways and starting school. It's so hard to believe. I'm really going to miss the fun that we've had with his friends and teachers over the past several years. Another reason why I take SO many pictures. :)
Tyler and his friends have SO much fun together.
Tyler and Allison (she's the one in Tyler's drawing a few posts back)
Tyler and his best buds. These four are never far from each other when they're at school. (L to R: John, Landon, Lucas, & Tyler)
I had fun hunting eggs with Connor.
Tyler enjoyed hunting for eggs with his class and had a lot of fun participating in the bunny hop race.

The Zebra Class with the Easter Bunny
Connor takes a ride on the playground while Tyler plays "Hot Potato" with his classmates.

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