Saturday, November 29, 2008

Visits with Santa

When we took the boys to see Santa, we weren't prepared for Connor's reaction. He wanted absolutely no part of it! He was okay with waving to Santa and blowing him kisses from afar while I held him, but the minute we got within four feet of him, Connor stiffened up and tried to jump out of my arms. It was quite the opposite of the way that Tyler reacted at that age--he's always loved every fictional character under the sun. Anyway, like any sentimental mom who cares more about posterity than her child's fears, I plopped him down on Santa's lap and he was forced to endure twenty seconds of misery, all so that I could have that keepsake photo to look at and reflect on in twenty years. :)

Tyler couldn't wait to run down his list of "wishes" to Santa.
The little man is NOT happy about this--and I put him through it not only once.....
.......but twice!
Tyler and Cousin Taylor
Thankfully, our family photo earlier in the day went much better. :)

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