Saturday, March 28, 2009

Portraits and the Easter Bunny

We took the four kids to Sears this morning for a Spring portrait together. We usually have their photos taken every year around Christmastime, but decided to do something a little different this time. They did great--for about the first 5 minutes. The photographer was able to get all of them to pose (standing) long enough to take 2 or 3 shots, and luckily one of them turned out okay, because getting the kids to cooperate for the next 20 minutes was futile. The photographer placed them in some really cute poses, but once a few seconds passed, they were off and running again. That's the frustrating part about photo shoots--once the kids decide that they're done, they're done. And no amount of bribery or begging is going to change that (at least, not with MY kids!). So, we settled for the one decent photo that we had--and when I say "decent," I mean that all four kids were looking at the camera, but not necessarily smiling.

Next, it was off to visit the Easter Bunny, which neither of the two younger ones wanted any part of. Tyler and Taylor both hopped onto the bunny's lap, but Connor and Brenna weren't interested in getting any closer than about five feet away. Maybe next year. :)
My handsome boys and sweet nieces

Happy Easter from the English/Lunning kiddos!

The kids loved riding the carousel at the mall, although Connor screamed and squirmed until it started (??). I think maybe he was scared of the animal that he was sitting on.
Tyler and Taylor catching some March Madness hoops together.

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